Monday, April 30, 2012


Tonight was gratitude night on lifeclass.  
It is so important to be thankful for the things in your life.  Everyone has something to be thankful for.  You just have to look at things from a different way.  Things are only the truth from a certain point of view.  So i wanted to write a blog aabout what i am thankful for.  Some things people will go WTF.  That doesn't matter this is what i am thankful for.  

I am thankful for my wonderful children.  I am so thankful for the strife i have gone though in my life that has taught me life lessons.  I am thankful for my father he has taught me so very much about life and expectations.  I am thankful for my mother who has taught me life lessons that adds up to a list to long to list.  I am thankful for my ex wife that has never kept me from my kids and has truly been a blessing in the end.  I am thankful for all the women that have rejected me as of late.  They have saved me so much time in life.  Dealing with shallow people is getting old.  I am thankful to the true friends in my life that at different points helped me along the way.    Life is about the journey and i have had aalot of friends help me along the way.  Different people at different stops along the way.  Thank you to everyone of you even the ones that didn't really care you helped alot.  I am thankful for a great car it may not be what everyone thinks is a great car but it just keeps going.  gets me to where i need to be.  i am thankful for lifeclass really has changed my life.  these are just a few things i just wanted to share.  
I am starting a gratitude journal tonight.  I would hope that someone that reads this would do the same thing.  Write down 5 things a day that you are thankful for.  
Every breath that you take is a gift from God almighty. 

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