Sunday, May 5, 2013

The city of bridges.

Has i have had time to look back on my trip with my father to his home land.  I am amazed at how much i am like my father and very proud to be like him.  But also how different we are at the same time.  I learned so much about my past and where i came from.  Seeing where my family was formed and hearing the good and bad stories about them was one of the best things to happen to me when you look at your roots some things become clear about what you think and feel.  Some of these things we must over come some we must hone and make them better.  I love seeing my family and am so glad we got to connect.  the series of events that happened while we were up there still amaze me.  The way everything fell into place and the way that we received peace was amazing and i am so blessed by God.  I will tell all of you if there is something pulling at your heart do it you have no idea why but it may set someone free.

My aunt dolly passed away and a blog about the past of my family without saying something about her would be incomplete.  She was an amazing woman.  I was not close to her and didn't see her much in my life but every time I did see her she opened her heart and her arms in love.  She had a heart of love and energy like no other.  No matter what happened to her in her life she always acted in love.  When she stepped into a room that room lite up with her energy.  I Loved her Pittsburgh accent and listening to her talk is something i will miss.  I know that your passing is a blessing and that you are now is peace aunt Dolly.  I am so happy for you that you got to transition to that next realm of life.  I know you have enjoyed seeing your mother again and all your family that has gone before you.  I thank God that i had you in my life and i will take that energy you taught me throughout my life.

Has we drove though and around the city i had some things hit my heart and hit my mind.  It is amazing what people working together can do.  The city of Pittsburgh was devastated by the unions and the closing of the steel mills.  But the city worked hard to clean up and change the image of the city and they built the city back to a great city that it is.

It was so good to see and be in the city.  But it did make me love my home more then ever.  i will have to say i love Knoxville very much and am so proud to be from here.  We live in a beautiful city.

Thanks for reading again.  I know i don't post much bu i hope you like what you read.  Please comment If you can.