Monday, February 25, 2013

Why don't we get along

First off it has been forever since i have had the ablity to blog.  With no internet at home it gets difficult to post writings.  I have been writing some but not as much as i would like.  But I am enjoying this life more and more each day.  It is amazing to look back and see where you came from.  How much you have changed in the year but still stayed the same at your core.  Learning to become your true self.  Learning to live the life that you were meant too.  When you do this there is a biproduct.  It is that people just don't get along and don't mesh. 

I have found the more i become myself and the less i actually judge the less people in my life are turned away and this is a good thing.  When you are living as your true self and not living your life based on what others think about you or feel about you this drives some people away becase they can not change you.  This is not a selfish thing it is actually very selfless because you are not seeking anything from anyone.  You are just being yourself and giving of yourself.  When you are like this some people are truly drawn to your energy and sprit.  It is an amazing thing to feel that draw.  But some people that you just don't click with are drawn away and that is not a bad thing because you are not based in what others think of you.  It is amazing once you start to become your self. 

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