I have heard the saying what other people think of you in
none of your business. And that is true
in a lot of ways. You should never
change yourself for what someone else thinks and what they want you to be. You should be true to your true self. The self that does not listen to those other
people. The slef that is driven by your
true passions in life. With this being
said what people think of you is somewhat relevant in life. Perception is important in the world. How people perceive you has a lot to do with
your interactions in this world. People
only want to be around people that they perceive to be enjoyable to be
around. They only want people in their life
that makes them feel better and lifts them up.
I want to talk about some perceptions of me that I have been
told. When I was depressed and going
though my divorce and losing my children a lot of “friends” perceived me as
depressed and pushed me away from their lives.
So when we as humans perceives someone as needing help and reaching out
a lot of time we push them away for the ease of our lives. And when we do that these people get further
away from what they need. So this part
of human nature is flawed like most parts.
But that perception of that person being depressed stays with them and
clouds people’s vision of them. So that
when they see a status update or have an interaction with that person they take
it in a negative light. So it is now
harder for that person to be accepted by those same groups he was one in
because he must counteract those perceptions.
Even though the person has come though depression it is like an
addiction it is something that is easier for them to slip back into especially
without a good friend to help them though that time. So it is a vicious circle that the person
endures. So to change that perception
and be accepted again is a everyday fight to not show any weakness or
depression. Depression is that hardest
thing I have ever overcome and I am proud that I have. I am proud to have done it mostly on my own
without “friends” and “family”. But that
does not mean that we with depression don’t need that friend and should be
Another perception of me is that I am a player. Because I have many “friends” that are female
and that I won’t commit to a relationship after 2-3 dates. This one is the funniest one in my eyes
because the true desire of my heart is to find that one. But you can see where this one would prevent
me from finding that one. So with this
perception on me I am not given a chance.
And that is how this dating world works and it is very frustrating. When women hear you say you are honest they
start to distrust you not because anything that you have done but due to what
others have done to them. So when you
are my age and dating you are not just having to win over the other person but
having to combat what others have done to that person. So to date someone you must take into
consideration all what has happened to this person in their dating life.
Perception is such a huge thing in this world we live
in. I love the quote “All angry, fear,
and despair comes from a wrong perspective.”
How we are perceived changes how people interact with us. What people think of me is none of my
business but how people perceive me is important. A lot of people say that doesn’t matter wait
till you sit in an apartment alone every night and see if they care how people perceive
them. I have been alone for a very long time
now I haave found strength I never knew I had and I love it. I am happier today then I have been in
years. But being alone gets old and
wears down the mind. Not having those
people in your life that will listen and help you though the hard times makes
life wear down on you and lead you down paths in your mind no one should
I have 2 intentions in writing this one is selfish and one
is unselfish. The first is to vent and
to get some things that are on my mind out of my head. The
other is to impart some compassion to you.
If you have someone in your life even if it is a distant friend and you
see they are going down a negative road reach out to them. You may be the person that saves their life. Please show the depressed compassion.
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