Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Every moment

Growth is the willingness to let reality be new every moment. 
Deepak Chopra
This is what I wanted to write a short column about this statement.  Just think what it would be like to live every moment as it was a new moment of life.  For the previous moments and future moments effect the ones that you are in.  I believe this is a big part of the key to happiness.  Not that I live that way.  The past few days worry and anxiety have ruled my head and drove me to stress and pain that I should not have.  It is amazing how moments that have not even happened and situations that may never happen can ruin the moment you are in.  If we are always thinking about the future it never gets here because when it does you are looking to the future again. 
        To live in every moment as it’s own moment would be to live with an excitement that each moment is there.  To understand that this moment is the most important cause it is the only one that you have.  I hope that one day I can come closer to truly living like this. 

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