Friday, April 20, 2012

Moments in life.

            Ever get to thinking about when you were a kid and miss those times.  I find myself doing that a lot when I have my kids.  From when I was very young and remember playing with Michael and ricky at eagle point.  Trying to find trouble to get into.  Always building a clubhouse.  Riding bikes from the time we got home from school to the time it got dark.  Sleep overs on the weekends and swimming in the summer.  I loved being in the pool something I don’t do near enough anymore.  Finding random things and using them to build a clubhouse to hang out in that would always be torn down the next day by the maintaince man at the apartments.  The time I was riding my bike and had a wreck that sent me to the hospital.  I spent that night in the hospital as my chest wall was about to cave in.  All I wanted to do was go play again.  To falling and needing stitches for the first time and begging my mom to let my big brother give them to me since he was in civil air patrol.  I know it made no sense but it did for a 10 year old.  I still have that scar and it brings back a lot of memories.

 All these and more memories from my childhood are something I treasure.  Human beings are really the only creatures that can recall memories to the extent they can feel that same feelings they felt when they were in that moment.    Sometimes like the memories I talked about before it is good thoughts.  A lot of time we has human beings can allow the past to affect us in a very bad way.  We can allow it to keep negative feelings in us and continue to hurt just as it was happening again.  In that way we allow the past to continue to hurt us.  These things still have power over us and keep us locked into this pain.  To feel pain over and over for the same thing is torture you never truly get past the bad things in life to enjoy the moment you are in.  That is the best time to live in is the moment you are in right now.  To allow the past to ruin this moment is a crime of the soul.  The only moment that exists is the one you are in at this moment.  The past doesn’t exist anymore and the future is not promised.  So the only moment that exists is the moment we are in.  That doesn’t mean we should not have a plan and goals for the future but to obsess and to ruin this moment you in for the future is not smart.  The future may never come and you have sacrificed parts of your life for things that never existed. 

This life is just a blink in eternity we only have a whisper in the history of the universe to live and enjoy this gift called life.  You must live this life with passion and with purpose.  Find your passion and you will find your purpose in life.  Breath in the moments in life and live each one to its fullest.  Only you control this fact no one else can make you enjoy life and live it to the fullest.  

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